Sunday, 13 November 2016


The Brief

In AS we have to create our own opening sequence of a fiction film in the thriller genre, including opening titles/credits. This sequence should be a maximum of 2 minutes long and reflect the sub-genre we have chosen (thriller/horror). In preparation for making this short opening scene we look at lots of different filming styles, shot types, editing techniques etc... We produce work on all these aspects of filming and do research on how it has been used in past films; always linking it back to how we will use it in our opening scene. some of the techniques we look at are: Match on Action (an action starting in one shot and continuing in the following shot; such as a shot of someone opening a door on one side and another shot from the other side showing them continuing to open the door). Shot/reverse shot (a shot of one thing which then changes to another shot and then changes back). 180-degree rule (when two characters are conversing the shots should stick to one side of the two people and only cross over to the other side if the camera movement is physically shown).

For our opening sequence we will have to include examples of all of these editing techniques we have researched, as well as a variety of shot types.

We also did a short preparation task; this involved a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down opposite another person with whom he/she then exchanges a line or two of dialogue. In this short sequence we demonstrated all the editing techniques mentioned above.

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